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How to start a side hustle as a pet-sitter

Summer is well on its way and, as such, many Americans are taking trips across the country and world. Nearly half, 45% plan to travel more this summer than they did last, according to a May 2023 survey of 1,000 Americans by marketing firm Prodege.

For those who have pets, travel can get tricky. “We still have all the pandemic puppies that are now full-sized dogs,” says Angelique Rewers, founder of consulting firm BoldHaus. Their owners will need help taking care of them when they’re gone. In fact, some might need help whether they end up going away or not.

For anyone looking for a side hustle this summer, pet-sitting might be the way to go. Here’s how to dive in.

Dog walking, cat hangs and housesitting

Dog park chaperone

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