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What’s on TV Friday: ‘Hell or High Water’ and ‘This Is the End’


Ben Foster, left, and Chris Pine in “Hell or High Water.”

Lorey Sebastian/CBS Films

Take your pick among an easygoing western thriller, a crude apocalyptic comedy and a brutal Stephen King adaptation.

What’s on TV

HELL OR HIGH WATER (2016) 7 p.m. on Showtime. “If there’s such a thing as an easygoing thriller, then ‘Hell or High Water’ is it,” Jeannette Catsoulis wrote in her review for The New York Times; she named it a Critic’s Pick. Chris Pine and Ben Foster play two thieving brothers who roam from heist to heist in the Texas Midlands amid economic decline and a vanishing way of small-town life. But soon a laconic Texas Ranger, played by Jeff Bridges with all the expected curmudgeonly charm, and his deputy catch wind of their scheme and chase them on a breezy hunt from one broken-down town to the next.

CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND 8 p.m. on the CW. Rebecca continues to devise her elaborate revenge against her former love Josh Chan, enlisting the brusque Nathaniel for help. And look out for a melodramatic and lewd homage to the “Les Misérables” classic “Empty Chairs at Empty Tables.”


From left, James Franco, Danny McBride and Craig Robinson in “This is the End.”

Columbia Pictures

THIS IS THE END (2013) 8 p.m. on FX. Need an escape from the real world, with its rampaging wildfires, threats of nuclear warfare and endless hurricanes? “This Is the End” offers an entirely different and fictional global apocalypse, which starts with a sinkhole in Guatemala and plunges into absurd battles with demons, cannibals and an ax-wielding Emma Watson. The starry cast, which includes Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill and James Franco playing lacerating versions of themselves, bumbles about in an effort to save humanity, food supplies, and the most important natural resource of all: friendship. The movie is deliriously profane and gross, so if you’re into that sort of thing, you might want to shell out on YouTube or Amazon for the uncensored version in all of its R-rated glory.

What’s Streaming

1922 on Netflix. The 2017 Stephen King renaissance creeps along in a new adaptation of a novella he published seven years ago. Thomas Jane, a King veteran from “The Mist” and “Dreamcatcher,” plays Wilfred James, a hardened Nebraska farmer who kills his wife and begins to lose his grip on reality. The tension builds slowly and brutally within the landscape of expansive, windswept plains. Anyone with a fear of rodents should stay far, far away.


Allison Lanier and Craig Roberts in “Red Oaks.”

Eric Liebowitz

RED OAKS on Amazon. Big hair, small government, soft synthesizers and hard drugs: ’80s nostalgia has arrived on television in full force in shows like “STRANGER THINGS, “GLOW and “SNOWFALL.” But preceding all of those in 2015 was “Red Oaks,” a tender coming-of-age story set in and around a New Jersey country club. In a Times review, Mike Hale described it as “an affectionate and startlingly authentic evocation rather than a satire or a dissection.” The third and final season will be released on Friday, with David (Craig Roberts) chasing film dreams in New York City while trying to save the country club from being sold.

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